beyonder powers and abilities

He visited Alpha Flight and took a ring from Shaman's bag for her as a gift. [2], The Beyonders were greatly expanded upon in Al Ewing's Defenders: Beyond series. Beyonder | Marvel's Avengers Assemble Wiki | Fandom The One-Above-All (The One-Above-All) - Super Powers - Superhero Database The Beyonder Vs. The One-Above-All: Who Is Marvel's Supreme Being [41] However, on another occasion, after trying to be a superhero by fighting a superpowered biker gang, the Beyonder stated that he limits his powers to keep them more in line with the world around him. Reality Warping: In all of his versions, The Beyonder has the general ability to manipulate reality [45] on a virtually infinite scale. He has the ability to control the fundamental fabric of space and time. The Beyonder then met an underworld figure named Vinnie, whom, seeking to make use of his superhuman powers, became his "guide" to the world. He leaves them all floating in the ocean in a fit of pique. The Beyonder appeared again, and tried to convince the Puma to be more like Parker, who knew his role in the scheme of things. In Secret Wars II, it was unclear exactly why the Molecule Man's accident opened a portal to the Beyond-realm, other than that it was of universal importance. Surprisingly, he was unable to use his power to find Havok directly, and so he tried to telepathically search the minds of many of the humans around him. [11] In his personal universe, the Beyonder was everything. Gladiator and Starlord, among others, opposed the Maker and even gained the help of Thanos, who was visiting the Kyln on a pilgrimage. Still pondering the subject of desire, he happened upon Rick Jones, Brandy Clark, and the child Cindy Adams. He was now "nothing but raging power personified! Created by writer Jim Shooter [1] and artist Mike Zeck, the Beyonder first appeared in Secret Wars #1 (May 1984) as an unseen, nigh-omnipotent [2] being from outside the multiverse who kidnapped the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe to have them do battle on Battleworld. Then he decided to show off, and started a fight with them. On a journey to the Andromeda Galaxy to locate the Avengers, he was responsible for the escape of their foe Nebula. In lack of better options, we consider the Beyonders being killed by an explosion sufficient to destroy 100,000 universes, as well as an Infinity Gauntlet managing to slow down Doctor Doom when he was wielding their powers, as outliers. In addition, Eternity itself would be the gunner for the weapon. She of course chose to save the X-Men, but when that was done, she furiously returned to him. Until this be gained we can never know, we can not even prophesy the capacity and power of women for the uplifting of humanity.Susan B. Anthony (18201906). He discussed how hard it was, since there really was no reality other than what he willed to be: "Cows don't have wings because I don't want them to!" She thought he was a mutant, and said she was one herself. She did not put up a fight, and Oracle shut down her mind. [39], Under unrevealed circumstances, Kosmos left Kubik, went mad, turned herself into a mortal called the "Maker," and obliviously slaughtered 64,000 colonists of a Shi'ar agrarian settlement. Their attack apparently failed and as a result the number of universes was reduced from thousands to barely more than two dozen. The Beyonder was the all-powerful instigator of the Secret Wars, a 1984 all-star extravaganza that pulled Marvel Comics from a tough financial spot. She returned to the Defenders' compound and attacked them again. Every Inhuman enters Terrigen Mists to gain the superhuman powers that the race is known for. The Beyonder was driven into complete despair, and took to drinking. The "true" Molecule Man pulled the Beyonder's essence from within Kosmos, causing her to fade. Key: Beyonder Drones | The True Beyonders Notes: Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics. They took a ride in his flying car out into space to cheer her up. Strange and The Multiverse of Madness. in: Character. Now fully-grown, he lived with his fellow Beyonders in the Beyond,[1] until he escaped the House of Ideas. [6] One of these energy modicums would later develop sentience and take its name after its creators, the Beyonder.[7]. The Molecule Man, however, convinced the Beyonder that existence was meaningless without death, and so the Beyonder brought Death back into existence by using his power to kill the reporter Dave, who willingly sacrificed his life. One of the local residents, Dave, a down-on-his luck local reporter, saw it and ran to see what was going on. The only one that was left was Reece. He soon appeared next to Hercules and Black Knight at Project Pegasus. Then he effortlessly erased the armada, as well as all their homeworlds, and every planet that had ever had any contact with any of those worlds. Although he rejected the notion at first, he finally submitted to being reshaped into a Cube alongside the Molecule Man. She had a new idea--go to the M'Kraan Crystal, from which the Phoenix derived its power, and destroy it. The One-Above-All: Who Is Marvel's Supreme Being? Doom asks all the heros to live in his kingdom, and Reed Richards accuses Doom of only wanting praise and servitude. Marsha Rosenberg was born in Denver, Colorado.She was a day care center employee who, along with her friend Skeeter, was among the residents of Denver transported to the Beyonder's "Battleworld" during Marvel Comics' first Secret Wars limited series. He found Bruce Banner there in near-suicidal despair. The Molecule Man made a force field around Denver, hoping to protect them, but the Beyonder happened by and laughed as he effortlessly shattered the dome. The Beyonder is told that this is his origin, but he is missing a containment vessel and the Molecule Man absorbed part of his energy. However, Kubik decided to prove him wrong, and battled the Beyonder to a standstill, to the Beyonder's great amazement. Rachel attacked him with the Phoenix, but to no avail. The Beyonder possesses no inherent weaknesses, but he was, at one time, stripped of his powers by Doctor Doom in Battleworld and later became mortal through his own devices by investing his power into a machine. Beyonder demonstrates his abilities by splitting the Hulk and Bruce Banner apart before sending them to the other parts of Battleworld. Eventually, they all ended up at a punk club. However, there was one more appearance of the classic-looking male Beyonder after he turned into the female Kosmos. The Beyonder apparently returned, reconstructed Battleworld and kidnapped several of Earth's heroes and villains again to conduct an experiment. Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Abstract Existence (Type 1), Immortality (Types 1 and 3), Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Nothingness Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Life & Death Manipulation, Conceptual He said that he had offered them a chance to go out with a bang--implying that the M'Kraan gambit had not really been Rachel's idea, but his--but they had flubbed it. In the original Secret Wars storyline, he was the be-all and end-all of the Marvel universe that took human form to better understand the nature of human beings. When she destroyed an entire Shi'ar settlement known as Eru 7, she caught the attention of the Imperial Guard. He gave the cup to Death, and she drank it. They then said that this was not true, because he was created by his mutant gene, as if that were not natural. The Molecule Man noticed this when he saw that the molecules belonging to Marsha (and the popcorn they were eating) were being controlled. As everything settles down the Lizard suddenly attacks Spider-Man. Jones was dying of cancer; Clark missed her lover Rom and her previous incarnation as the Space Knight Starshine, and Adams was tortured by the presence of a Dire Wraith in her mind. The Beyonder agreed to play it safe, and restored Doom to his original body (and Norm McArthur's mind back to his body), then sent him back in time to the beginning of Secret Wars I. After becoming aware of the Earth, the Beyonders began studying the Marvel Multiverse with amusement and curiosity. It convinced her that if she had enough power, she could resist the Dragon's evil. Doom used the Cube to restore his memories but Kubik and the Shaper of Worlds stopped him before he could take its power. [53], "Go big or go home: Why Marvel's new 'Secret Wars' could be too much", "New 'Secret Wars' is Marvel Comics' major event of 2015", "Jim Shooter in an Interview for Secret Wars 2",, This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 22:33. The celestial god soon grows discontent and adopts death as the only meaning in life. Felicia's father disappeared for several years.Later, the Kingpin, Wilson Fisk, captured Felicia and agreed to keep her free of harm if her father gave Kingpin the formula,the agreement was made and Kingpin received the formula. While waiting for the Legion Accursed to arrive, Mephisto tricked Thing into signing a contract that would increase his strength. In the same way, when he later takes heroin with Cloak and Dagger, it has no affect until he decides to let it affect him, and when he decides to stop it, it stops. The Puma was enraged at this, and swore he would kill him. She left a message for the X-Men and flew towards the west coast. By overlapping two people's appearances, even if they are disguised, the Astrologer can determine if whether or not the two are the same person. Each Cosmic Cube is a receptacle for energy that comes from their dimension. However, he was still able to observe, and potentially manipulate, the Guardians' universe through the costume he gave to Vance Astro. However, when he talked to Foxxe, Foxxe told him that the Beyonder lived nearby, and gave him the address. He found desire a nuisance, and wondered whether he should continue to study it or just return to the Beyond-Realm, where he would feel complete unto himself. Slay your enemies and all you desire shall be yours!