Ma Dong-seok's layered performance as Sang-Hwa makes his death so much more heartbreaking. Train to Busan (2016) | Horror Film Wiki | Fandom Train to Busan Written By Starring: Gong Yoo, Jung Yu-mi, Don Lee. -Welcome to the Hero/Protagonist wiki! Occupation This character has so much depth and so much at stake, that when he sacrifices himself, and screams a name for their unborn child, the tears will instantly flow, and you can't do anything to stop them. Foreign/International. The zombies in Train to Busan are no different, with many of the zombies almost being as fast as a slow-moving train. Hwang Hyo-kyun has created the special effects, makeup and props for hundreds of South Korean films and television shows, including "Parasite" and the zombies of the popular Netflix series "Kingdom." '60s zombie classic is still intense and gory. Yang Jin-mo ", "36th Korean Association of Film Critics Awards", "Saturn Awards Nominations 2017: 'Rogue One,' 'Walking Dead' Lead", "YEON Sang-ho's SEOUL STATION Debuts in Belgium", "James Wan to produce remake of South Korean zombie movie 'Train to Busan', "New Line Taps Timo Tjahjanto To Direct 'Train To Busan', Its Remake Of South Korean Box Office Hit", "Warner Bros Dates 'Blue Beetle', 'Last Train To New York' & 'Toto' For 2023 & Beyond",, South Korean science fiction horror films, South Korean science fiction action films, Films about fatherdaughter relationships, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Kwak Tae-yong and Hwang Hyo-gyoon (special make-up), Audience Choice Award for Most Popular Film, Park Myung-sin as Jong-gil, In-gil's younger sister, Lee Joo-shil as Seok-woo's mother and Su-an's grandmother, This page was last edited on 19 February 2023, at 22:57. Alias(es) Train to Busan shot Yeon (who directed the upcoming K-drama Hellbound debuting this Friday) to international fame following its premiere at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival. The remake's reported title change from that of the original work has sparked debate on Twitter, with some calling the name "boring," "lame" and "tacky," while others showed support for the upcoming remake. 4.7 out of 5 stars 79. Train to Busan / Tear Jerker - TV Tropes Parents need to know that Train to Busan is an excellent South Korean zombie horror -- with English subtitles -- that features frantic, bloody violence, and intense scenes in enclosed spaces. Relentless terror marks the fight for survival as a massive zombie outbreak in South Korea leaves survivors on an infected train from Seoul Sang-hwa | Train to Busan Wiki | Fandom Highly recommend. Newsweek has contacted Tjahjanto, Wan, Dauberman and New Line Cinema for comment. Sang-hwa sacrifices himself to give the others time to the enter the car by force. Bitten on the hand by a zombie. ", boooring riding Amtrak to NYC is always a zombie horror show, where's the surprise and wit of the Korean film ??? Panic spreads on the train and Sang-hwa, who was waiting in front of the toilet, observed people ran in all directions. [45] In 2018, New Line Cinema, Atomic Monster and Coin Operated were announced to be the co-producing partners for the remake, with Warner Bros. Pictures distributing worldwide, except for France and South Korea. The movie features scenes of civil unrest, a train crash, and people falling from helicopters. Indonesian director Timo Tjahjanto is in talks to helm the film, while Gary Dauberman adapts the screenplay and co-produces the film alongside James Wan. As the train departs, an ill young woman runs onto the train unnoticed. Kim Su An previously played the role of Gong Yoo s daughter in the film and despite being only 10-years-old at the time, the child actress killed her portrayal. When your @ is suddenly filling up & its more about Train to Busan remake.In James (Wan) own words:Timo,we need to rise above & beyond everyones expectations, just like other great remakes have done such as The Ring or Dawn of the Dead remake. Place of birth Masterful touches such as having a baseball team onboard to add a believable reason for the survivors to have access to weapons is simply a delight. If zombies ever take over the world, let's cross our fingers we get George A. Romero's slow zombies, as opposed to the rapid sprinters in modern zombie flicks. 2023's Most Anticipated Sequels, Prequels, and Spin-offs. By Dave Trumbore Aug 14, 2018. Train To Busan Powers/Skills Images of Train to Busan. Physical description More an action thrill ride than a chilling horror, this is a refreshing and exhilarating movie that packs a few emotional punches alongside its blood-soaked action. Thanks. Train to Busan is a gorgeous zombie movie, that is shot to perfection. Place of death Train to Busan Is the Best Modern Zombie Movie According to a report Wednesday by Deadline, the remake by Indonesian director Timo Tjahjanto, in collaboration with producer James Wan and screenwriter Gary Dauberman, could be called Last Train to New York. Train to Busan is a near perfect zombie flick, and before Hollywood finishes production on the American remake of the South Korean classic, we thought, what better time to revisit this exceptional zombie movie and why it is so good? [39] FNC Add Culture released the Korean DVD and Blu-ray versions on 22 February 2017. Produced By He is a worker married to a pregnant woman, Seong-kyeong who takes the same train as Seok-woo, for Busan. 2016 (aged 45) However, they and the other passengers quickly turned around when they saw the infected army. So you thought "Bean" was a totally unique and adorable nickname to call your growing fetus? Goals Was it shocking or thrilling? Affiliation Snipers stationed on the other side prepare to shoot at what they believe to be zombies. Lee Hyung-deok After the train stops at Daejeon Station, the surviving passengers find the city overrun by zombies and hastily retreat back to the train, splitting up into different train cars in the ensuing chaos. WebTrain to Busan / Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula 2-Movie Collection. StrengthSpeed Hand to hand combat skills Fund manager Seok-woo is a cynical workaholic and divorced father. Sang-hwa | Heroes Wiki | Fandom Date of death A fun zombie flick that has you on the edge of your seat. Lol well played u/Jtothelew. Along their journey, the non-infected passengers have to fight the zombies and the selfishness of their fellow human beings. Status [6][7][8][9] On 7 August, the film set a record as the first Korean film of 2016 to break the audience record of over 10 million theatergoers. so many cliff hangers! WebTrain to Busan name the heroic big guy wants his baby to be named? (Alive) Be the first one to comment on this story. . Train to Busan remake, the Korean apocalyptic zombie thriller from Yeon Sang-ho, has reportedly been given an updated title and devoted fans of the original Unknown $14.99 $ 14. Take the main character, Seok-Woo (Gong Yoo), who at first, is a selfish and terrible father, and who rarely sees his daughter and is too caught up in his work life. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. [43] Yeon has stated that, .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, Peninsula is not a sequel to Train to Busan because it's not a continuation of the story, but it happens in the same universe.[44]. Ovuline app users are asked at sign up to give their baby a nickname. And forcing the passengers and audiences to be on this train with zombies is nightmare fuel and creates an unbearable amount of claustrophobia. For instance, Honeysuckle is a native shrub that some Pennsylvanians are taking inspiration from when it comes to baby nicknaming. Related: Train to Busan Director Eyes a Trilogy, Shares Vision for Third Movie. Your privacy is important to us. After inspecting the scene, he gets back in his truck and drives off. Sang-hwa What are we complaining about? Olly is a self-proclaimed film critic and professional nerd, who probably knows way too much about movies , Train to Busan: Why it May Be the Best Zombie Movie of All Time, 6 Most Realistic Zombie Movies of All Time, Train to Busan Director Eyes a Trilogy, Shares Vision for Third Movie, Worst Comedy Movies of All Time, According to Roger Ebert, 15 Critically Panned Movies that Somehow Got Sequels, Best Movies That Ended with the End of the World. Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or in-store pick-up. Just as So-ju sacrifices himself to ensure his daughter gets to safety, Sang-hwa single-handedly faces the zombies to ensure his wife and unborn child dont get hurt. A flaming locomotive derails and traps the remaining survivors, but Seok-woo finds a way out. "Plus, Timo Tjahjanto is an AMAZING director and is going to kill it with LAST TRAIN TO NEW YORK! WebTrain To Busan. Once regrouped, they struggle through the zombie horde to the front train car, where the rest of the passengers are sheltered. Despite the intensity it is more of a fun action movie than a chilling horror. A sequel, Peninsula, was released in South Korea on July 15, 2020. Cinematography Yeon Sang-Ho and Joo-Suk Park write these characters with a remarkable amount of layers, which makes Train to Busan feel so special. [42], Peninsula, a standalone sequel set four years after Train to Busan and also directed by Yeon, was released in South Korea on 15 July 2020, it gained mixed reviews. The truck driver passes through the toll booth and accuses them of slowing him down, but the workers assure him that nothing is wrong, and that the area is just being sanitized as there was a small leak at a nearby nuclear plant. A crying Seok-woo leaves with Seong-kyeong and the zombies finally break the door of wagon 14. The main idea of the movie revolves around a father experiencing a sudden zombie apocalypse while trying his best to protect his daughter on a train to Busan. Other passengers include Sang-hwa and his pregnant wife Seong-kyeong, COO Yon-suk, a high school baseball team including player Yong-guk and his cheerleader girlfriend Jin-hee, elderly sisters In-gil and Jong-gil, train attendant Ki-chul, and a traumatized homeless stowaway hiding in the bathroom. May 13, 2016 (Cannes)July 20, 2016 (South Korea) He teaches Seong-kyeong how to operate the train, and says goodbye to his sobbing daughter, throwing himself off the train before he turns. They manage to get in and have to save their loved ones from the zombies. A train is an incredibly compact area of space; it's hard to move around, even when there aren't zombies trying to eat you. Next Entertainment WorldRedPeter Film Southern states seemed to love making up nicknames based on the word 'sugar,' 'bean' was popular in the Northeast and 'bug' was trending in the Northwest," says Gina Nebesar, chief product and marketing officer at Ovuline. Gender Choi Ji-won as Kim Su an's Friend (cameo). Country Without further ado, check out the full list of popular fetal names by state to get some inspiration for what to call your unborn baby! The film uses many wide-angle shots outside the train, as well as many close-up shots in the train to add to the sense of claustrophobia. WebSang-hwa is a Tetartagonist in Train to Busan. Please logout and login again. The U.S. WebHere a diverse group of people are brought together to fend off zombies on a very narrow train. Seoul Station I mean come on, who wouldn't love to call a beautiful belly Butterbutt? User @yang_baiqian wrote: " 'LaSt tRaIn tO nEw yOrK' pfft just saying it sounds tacky. Male In 2015, Ovuline (a company that offers mobile fertility and pregnancy apps) collected data from its 2 million or so users across the country and discovered just exactly what sorts of silly, adorable, or quirky monikers parents-to-be are using for baby bumps in each state. Go see 'Train To Busan', "South Korean cinema leads nominees at Asian Film Awards", "Hollywood Local Productions Dominate Nominations for South Korea's Blue Dragon Awards", " 3 " " - - TV ", "[37 ] '' " " (2016 ) - TV", "Busan: Bu-il Awards Provide Counterpoint to Festival", "Winners Of 25th Buil Film Awards Revealed", "Never mind Oscar, here's the 2017 FANGORIA Chainsaw Awards Nominees Ballot! In Nevada, where pig farms are common, Pork Bun is a unique, but logical, choice. But throughout the film, we see him grow as a person, not only caring for his daughter, but for other passengers on the train as well, saving them from zombies and sacrificing himself in a truly heartbreaking moment.
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